Nuestra Junta y varios comités de HOA están trabajando diligentemente para mantener a Reserve at Sawgrass como una hermosa comunidad de la que todos podemos estar orgullosos. Aquí está el panel de control mensual que muestra nuestro historial de violaciones. ¡Trabajemos todos para cumplir con nuestros convenios y pautas arquitectónicas!
Infracciones (12 meses anteriores)
Infracciones abiertas actuales
Etapa de infracción |
Recuento actual |
Cortesía / Primer aviso | 216 |
Segunda noticia | 68 |
Audiencia programada | 19 |
Fines Approved (Violation still open) | 1 |
Transferido a Abogado | 2 |
Pendiente de reinspección | 18 |
Pending ARC/Extension | 1 |
Categoría de infracción |
Recuento actual |
Architectural Modification (No ARC approval, not installed per ARC approved plan, etc.) | 31 |
Commercial Vehicles/Trailers/Illegal Parking (Prohibited in community, parking in grassy areas, etc.) | 4 |
Calzada y acera (debe limpiarse / lavarse a presión) | 45 |
Exterior of Home (Objects not allowed, needs repaired, etc.) | 5 |
Fencing (Not approved, broken, etc.) | 0 |
Landscaping (Includes unapproved changes, lack of maintenance, palm trimming, weeds, etc.) | 199 |
Adornos para césped y señalización (no aprobados, por encima de cantidades o tamaños máximos, etc.) | 4 |
Lighting (Unapproved exterior lighting, colored light bulbs, holiday lights not removed, etc.) | 1 |
Molestias (ruido excesivo, etc.) | 1 |
Pintura (necesita pintura, colores no aprobados, etc.) | 0 |
Piscina / Spas (no aprobados, sin barrera, sobre el suelo prohibido, etc.) | 0 |
Carritos de basura (almacenamiento inadecuado / artículos colocados en la acera demasiado pronto) | 28 |
Otro | 7 |
Our governing docs (CC&Rs) clearly define the process of violations and fines if applicable, in accordance with Florida Statutes 720.305. HOA Board members and Artemis Lifestyles inspection personnel conduct regular inspections of our community, and also investigate potential violations submitted by residents. In most circumstances, photos are taken of the issue, and the Association also may use publicly available records and information, such as from Orange County, to investigate or verify potential non-compliance.
Step 1 – Courtesy First Notice. Upon inspection or verified report to the Board of a violation, a violation notice is sent by mail to the homeowner. The notice states the reason for the violation and includes a photo of the issue. A period of time to correct the issue is also given (usually 7-14 days), with instructions on how to report back that the issue has been resolved.
Step 2 – Second Notice. Si el propietario no responde o no corrige la infracción dentro del plazo asignado, se realiza otra inspección para verificar que el problema persista. Si lo hace, se envía una segunda notificación de infracción al propietario, con un período de tiempo adicional para corregir la infracción.
Step 3 – Third Notice with Fine and Hearing Date. If the violation is still present after the first two notices and time frames have elapsed, then a third letter, stating the intent of the Board to levy a fine against the owner for non-compliance and a notice of hearing by the Hearing Committee is sent to the homeowner, giving a minimum of 14 days notice of the time and location of the hearing. At the hearing, the Hearing Committee will be presented with the non-compliance, after which the homeowner will be able to present their reasons as to why a fine should not be imposed. Afterwards, the Committee will vote, and if a majority of the committee votes to impose the fine, the homeowner will be notified in writing no later than 21 days after the hearing of their decision. Any fines will be due within 5 days after notice of the fine being imposed.
Las multas pueden ser de hasta $100 por infracción, por día. A fine may be levied on the basis of each day of a continuing violation, with a single notice and opportunity for hearing. Fines in the aggregate are not capped to any amount, and will continue to accrue until the violation is corrected. If fines exceed $1000, a lien may also be placed against the home, and sales of the home may be delayed or unable to proceed with open violations. Any violation that has reached the $1000 threshold will also be turned over to the Association attorney for further legal action.
After correcting a violation issue, please remember that repeated and/or recurring violations of the same type of issue will reopen the previous violation at the escalated level. And the Board reserves the right to expedite/alter the violation process and timeline for issues that are egregious and/or create a safety concern for the community and neighboring homes.
Homeowners that do not respond or correct violations may also have their access to Common Areas such as the community pool revoked until the violation is corrected. Additionally, any homeowner who has is more than 90 days delinquent in fines due to the HOA may have their access to the amenities revoked until the fines are paid.