Exterior Maintenance of Structures and Grounds
Residents are responsible for maintaining the exterior of their dwellings and any other structures on their lots, such as decks, fences, sheds and playground type of equipment. The following represent some (but not all) of the conditions, which the HOA considers a violation.
- Peeling paint
- Cracked or broken stucco
- Recreation equipment, which is either broken or in need of repainting
- Guttering in need of painting, repair or replacement
- Fences with broken or missing parts, or which are leaning
- Permanent light fixtures that are not in working order
- Sidewalks and driveways that are black or covered in mildew/mold/grime
- Algae, mildew, mold or other grime on exterior of home, fencing, or roof
Most residents would not allow any of the above conditions to exist as they seek to preserve and protect the investment in their homes and to limit their personal liability by keeping all improvements on their lots in good condition. The HOA expects that all residents will do this necessary maintenance to prevent any of the cited conditions from occurring in the Reserve.
NOTE: After proper notification is given to the Owner, the Association has the right to enter a property and complete any repairs or maintenance if the Owner does not respond within the specified period of time. Should the Association contract for providing the needed maintenance, the cost of materials labor administrative charges and out-of-pocket expenses for the Association plus any attorney fees will be charged against the homeowner and a lien immediately placed against the property if not paid within ten (10) days of receipt of invoice for the charges.
Lawn & Landscape Maintenance Standards
The following lawn maintenance standards apply to landscaping maintained by Owners and residents of The Reserve at Sawgrass:
- Trees: Trees are to be pruned as needed and shall be maintained with a canopy no lower than eight feet (8′) from the ground. Do not prune or trim trees into unnatural shapes.
- Palms: Palms are to be pruned as needed to remove any hanging, dead, yellowed or unhealthy fronds. All dry, wilted or diseased fronds should be removed. If a large number of fronds are yellowing, you may need to fertilize your palm.
- Shrubs: All shrubs are to be trimmed as needed and should be maintained at window ledge height.
- Annuals/other plants: All plants shall be maintained in a neat and attractive manner, and replaced when diseased/dead.
- Grass: Grass shall be St. Augustine unless an alternative has been approved and shall not exceed five inches (5”) in height. This includes the grass between the sidewalk and the street. Lawn weed treatments shall be performed as needed.
- Edging: Edge trimming of all street, sidewalks, curbs, beds and borders shall be performed as needed to prevent grass “runners’ from growing onto driveways, sidewalks, curbs and into landscape beds. Grass along the walls of the house shall be edged. Chemical edging is not permitted.
- Mulch: Mulch should be replenished as needed, and at minimum, on a yearly basis to help control weeds. All mulch/rock should be thick enough to completely cover the soil and should be at least 1-2″ thick for mulch and 3-4″ thick for rock. Faded/discolored mulch should also be replenished.
- Insect and Disease Control: Insect and disease control shall be performed on an as needed basis. Failure to do so could result in additional liability if the disease and insect spread to neighboring properties. Sod that is killed due to insect/disease shall be removed and replaced within thirty (30) days of dying. To change the turf will require ARC approval.
- Fertilization: Fertilization of all turf, trees, shrubs, and palms should be performed no less than three (3) times a year and according to Best Management Practices as provided by the Orange County Extension Service or the University of Florida IFAS Extension.
- Irrigation: Watering and irrigation will be the sole responsibility of the homeowner. It is the Owner’s responsibility to comply with all applicable watering restrictions.
- Weeding: All beds are to be weeded every time the lawn is cut. Weeds growing in joints of curbs, driveways, and expansion joints shall be removed as needed. Chemical treatment is permitted. If landscape fabric is used, it must allow the free flow of water, air and gasses to and from the soil.
- Trash Removal: Dirt, trash, plant and tree cuttings and debris resulting from all operations shall be removed and all areas left in clean condition before the end of the day. Trash may not be placed at curb until scheduled trash pick-up day.
FAILURE TO COMPLY: Owners who are not in compliance with these maintenance standards will be sent notification from the Community Manager and will have seven (7) days from the date of the notice to comply. If non-compliant on the 8th day after the date of the initial notice, the Association will hire a landscape contractor to bring the lawn and/or landscaping into compliance. The Association will charge an administrative fee of $25.00 plus the cost of the lawn contractor’s services which will both be a Specific Assessment against the Lot. In addition, a second notice of non-compliance at a cost of $10.00 will be issued and the homeowner will be referred to the Covenants Enforcement Committee, where applicable.
NOTE: Based upon SFWMD and Orange County restrictions that may be placed upon irrigation during times of drought, portions of these Landscape Maintenance Standards may be suspended until such time as the restrictions are lifted.
Access to Common Areas, Neighboring Lots, Vendor Requirements
- All exterior changes and modifications shall be completed in a manner so that they do not materially damage the common areas of the Association or individual Lots. Nor shall they in any way impair the integrity of the improvements on the property subject to maintenance by the Association.
- No homeowner shall permit their contractor to access or otherwise cross the common areas, or another person’s Lot without receiving written permission in advance from the Board or the Community Manager. In the case of accessing another person’s Lot, permission shall be obtained from the Lot Owner.
- Other than the record titleholder of the Lot, any contractor or installer who will cross the common areas to access the construction site, shall provide the Association with an insurance certificate listing the Association as a named insured prior to commencing work. Insurance shall meet the following minimum limits: Contractor’s General Liability including completed operations: statutory minimum amount. Worker’s Compensation: statutory minimum amounts. The Board may establish these amounts.
- Homeowners are responsible for any damages to the Common Areas and other Association property. Homeowner is responsible for restoring, re-grading, repairing & replacing any damaged grass, plants or irrigation on the common area or any adjoining Lots, caused by this construction.
- Owners are responsible for all cleanup of any improvement project. All debris, sod, soil, construction trash etc. shall be removed from the lot and hauled to the proper waste sites within seven (7) days of the completion of the project.
- Homeowners shall be held responsible for the acts of their employees, subcontractors and any other persons or parties involved in construction or alteration of the home site. The responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
- Ensuring that the construction site, community properties and roadways are kept clean and free of all debris and waste materials, and that stockpiles of unused materials are kept in a neat and orderly fashion.
- Prohibiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or other intoxicants that could hamper the safety or well-being of others on the site.
Air Conditioners
- No air conditioners shall be mounted through a window, door, or hung on an exterior wall.
- Replacement of air conditioner components shall be in their original location unless approved by the ARC.
Antennae and Satellite Dishes
- All outside antennas, antenna poles, antenna masts, electronic devices, satellite dish antennas or antenna towers are subject to the approval of the ARC. All antennas not covered by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules are prohibited.
- No such equipment may interfere with the radio or television reception of other homes.
- The ARC requires that all such items be screened from view and that the installation of the antenna comply with all applicable safety restrictions, including any restrictions as to location and height of antenna as imposed by applicable fire codes, electrical codes, zoning codes, and building codes.
- All satellite dishes must be no larger than thirty-nine (39”) inches in diameter.
- All antennae and satellite dishes should be either ground mounted on a stand-alone pole or mounted on the rear wall or rear sidewall of the house so as to not be visible from street.
- Satellite dishes that are ground mounted shall be installed at no greater distance than eight (8’) feet from the house and preferably in a screened or fenced area.
- It is respectfully requested that satellite dishes NOT be placed on top of roofs.
- Should you feel that your roof is the ONLY location that will give you proper reception, please contact the management company immediately and provide a copy of the proposed location and letter from installer stating why this is the necessary location for installation.
- Any installation on roof tops that are screwed into the structure may automatically void any builder and/or roof warranties.
- Installation of satellite dish shall be in accordance with the current rules of the FCC, placement shall be as inconspicuous as possible.
- All installations shall meet the minimum wind load requirements of the Florida Building Code (latest edition) concerning wind resistance and other applicable requirements.
- Homeowners shall not permit their antennae and satellite dishes to fall into disrepair or to become a safety hazard, and shall be responsible for their maintenance, repair and replacement, and the correction of any safety hazard.
- If antennae or satellite dishes become detached, Homeowners shall remove or repair such detachment within seventy-two (72) hours of the detachment. If the detachment threatens safety, the Association may remove the antennae or satellite dish at the expense of the Owner, without prior notice.
- No permanent awnings (metal, fabric, wood, plastic or other materials) are permitted.
- Retractable awnings (“Sun Setter” or roller style) are permitted on the rear of the home and must not be visible from the street. Frames must be white or bronze, with the fabric or cover material in a neutral color to complement the body color of the home. Swatches of the material color must be submitted with the ARC application.
- Approved Retractable awnings must be fully retracted when not in active use.
- Barbecue grills, smokers and built-in barbecue units shall be located within the rear side setbacks of the home. Their location must be carefully planned to minimize smoke or odors affecting neighboring properties.
- If not screened from view of the neighboring property by a fence, they must remain covered when not in use.
- The installation of a canopy (fabric gazebo) is not permitted. Exception will be for private parties and such fixtures or decorations may be installed 24 hours prior to and must be removed within 24 hours of the party. No other type of sun shade, tent or canopy cover will be approved.
Car Covers
- Car covers including tarps are not permitted outside the home, only in the garage.
Dog Houses, Kennels and Runs, Invisible Fences
- All dog houses will be located in a privacy fenced rear yard and within the side setbacks of the house.
- The exterior colors and materials must relate to the exterior of the house in which they are located or blend with the environment. The height of the dog house may not exceed the height of the fence. These are subject to the proper maintenance, care and appearance as with any structure.
- Dog houses shall be a minimum of fifteen feet (15’) from neighboring property lines.
- The placement of dog houses must also take into consideration safety concerns, noise minimization, the possibility of offensive odors, etc.
- Dog runs (partial fencing of an area) and kennels are not permitted.
- Invisible fences need approval prior to installation and are only permitted in detached single family homes.
- Invisible fencing wiring must be buried no less than six inches (6″) inside the lot line. No alterations of the yard grade shall be permitted with the installation of such system.
- Regardless of the method of restraint used, including invisible fencing, pet owners are responsible for ensuring that their pets do not run free. Pet owners are liable for any damage to persons or property caused by their pets.
Doors (Exterior)
- Doors may be replaced with doors that are similar in style and composition. Requests for replacement doors shall be submitted including pictures and color choices.
- Glass inserts are allowed with an approved ARC request. The design must be a version that was available from the Developer. Click here to view the approved options.
For screen/storm doors, please see “Screen and Storm Doors” section.
Driveways and Entrances to Garage
- Driveways and entrances to garages may be concrete or interlocking stone or brick pavers which complement the color scheme of the home.
- New or replacement driveways and modifications to driveways with asphalt, loose gravel, stabilized rock and sand base, etc. will not be allowed.
- Extension of the driveway which expands the overall total driveway width not more than four (4) feet (two (2) feet maximum on each side of the existing driveway) will be considered for approval. The extension should match the existing driveway in design, material and color (Old Castle/Coastal Holland Brick in Chestnut Brown). No driveway extension shall be permitted beyond the external side lines of the garage.
- Screen doors are not permitted for garages; the garage doors should remain closed when not in use.
- Sealing of pavers in a clear, protective sealant does not require ARC approval.
- Painting of any concrete, stone, or brick pavers that are part of the driveway or sidewalk is not permitted.
Exterior Façade/Elevation Changes (including reconstruction)
- Changes in the outside appearance of the facade will not be permitted unless these features are or were currently offered by the builders as an option.
- No vinyl siding will be permitted.
- All reconstruction including roofs shall be of the same or substantially similar material, colors, etc. as the original construction of the house.
Elevations (change in grade)
- No owner shall excavate or extract earth (dirt) from a Lot for any business or commercial purpose.
- No elevation changes shall be permitted which materially affect surface grade of surrounding Lots or change the flow and drainage of surface water at The Reserve at Sawgrass.
Encroachment and Plantings on Common Grounds
- No extension of the landscaping of Home sites will be permitted onto Association common grounds.
- Residents shall not put trees, bushes, plantings, bird baths, lawn ornaments, lights, planters, bird feeders, flower pots, picnic tables, furniture, fences, walks, hedge enclosures and other types of groupings on common grounds or other Association property.
Fencing (General Guidelines)
General Guidelines
No fences are approved without the express, prior written approval of the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) of the Reserve at Sawgrass Homeowners Association, Inc. (HOA). Please note that the ARC has up to 45 days to act on an application. PLEASE PLAN YOUR PROJECT ACCORDINGLY.
- Due to utilities and drainage, front yards may not be fenced.
- All fences that will abut an existing fence or perimeter wall must be installed with the final end side section graduating in height so that the last panel meets the height of the existing fence or perimeter wall.
- Fencing must complement any existing fencing in directly adjacent lots. As an example, if the adjacent lot has five foot (5’) black aluminum picket fence, the ARC will most likely deny a request to install four foot (4’) high black aluminum fence on your lot due to the height difference.
- Please attach a copy of your plot plan to your alteration application with desired location of fence sketched onto it and denoting setbacks in number of feet. (Please use different color or line style to distinguish survey from alternations)
- Once approved, the installation must be completed within 90 days.
- Fencing must remain in “like new” condition at all times. “Like new” condition means that regular cleaning of the fence would be needed to keep the crisp, clean appearance. “Like new” also means that any repairs to maintain the vertical nature of the fence should be performed on an as needed basis. At no time will bent, warped, unstable or loose fence panels or posts be allowed for a period of longer than seven days, seven days being deemed a reasonable time period to perform said repairs.
- It is recommended that a twelve inch (12”) wide mulched maintenance strip be installed and maintained beginning on the property line and continuing under the fence into your yard. This will make it easier to maintain the fence without causing damage and reduces or eliminates the need to trim the grass on the outside of the fence.
- Fences must be set back a minimum 10’ from face of house. If part of front face of house is set deeper, the minimum setback is 5’ on that particular side. No fence shall be permitted to extend beyond the front corners of the house in any circumstance.
- The fence must be installed immediately inside the property line, however not to exceed six (6) inches inside the property line except where easements or swales exist, or when placing aluminum picket fence around a swimming pool to meet county code. Alleyways between fences will not be permitted. Also remember that the fence is on your property and you are responsible to maintain the property up to the property line. This means that you are responsible for trimming the grass on the outside of the fence up to your property line.
- It is recommended that fences not be installed in drainage or utility easements. However, if the ARC grants permission for a fence to be installed in a drainage easement it is the responsibility of the homeowner to correct any changes in drainage on the homeowner’s home site or adjoining home sites at the homeowner’s expense.
- Irrigation systems must be reconfigured to provide complete coverage outside of the fenced area.
- Should the Association, City or County be required to correct a drainage or utility situation either above or underground on lots affected by swales, rear yard drains or easements, the homeowner is responsible for all costs associated with the removal and reinstallation of the fence installed in said easement.
- Shrubbery and grass shall not be allowed to grow through or between the fence.
- Any and all required governmental approvals/permits for fence construction are the responsibility of the homeowners and must be obtained prior to construction. It is the responsibility of the Owner to comply with all City, County and/or Association requirements, whichever is most stringent.
- The Association reserves the right to prohibit fencing of certain lots due to aesthetic reasons.
Fencing (Allowed Fence Types/Styles)
Allowed Fence Types
Note: Fence types should not be mixed on a single side of a lot. Example, on the left side of the lot, there should only be one type of fence, either vinyl or aluminum. Doing a linear line with half vinyl and the other half black aluminum is not permitted.
Vinyl Privacy Fence![6 ft. W Tan Vinyl Privacy](
- Must be six feet (6’) high tongue-and-groove style tan/beige PVC commonly referred to as standard privacy panels or Lexington style. Panels must be same on both sides.
- No decorative picket-style sections or tops
- Post caps shall be flat or pyramid style. No gothic, ball, or other shaped caps
- No solar or lighted post caps
- Fence panels must have a one inch to six-inch (1” – 6”) gap between the bottom of the panel and the ground to allow for drainage. No visible gaps should be larger than 6” not be flush to the ground.
Aluminum Picket Fence![](
- Fence must be black aluminum open picket style commonly referred to as the “Key West” style
- Must be four feet (4’) or five feet (5’) high.
Fencing (Corner, Conservation, Special Lot Type Rules)
Special Lot Type Considerations
Corner lots
- Fences for corner lots require close coordination with the ARC due to their unique layout and concerns for vehicle visibility/safety and compliance with existing easements and county building code setback requirements. The ARC will also take into consideration how a home abutting this lot will be affected due to front set back requirements for the abutting lot, and may require a cutback in the corner abutting the neighboring perpendicular lot.
- Notwithstanding any other governmental regulations, any side fencing on a typical or regularly shaped corner lot shall be located no more than one-half of the distance between the side wall of the house and the sidewalk along the side street, with a minimum distance of five feet (5’) back from the sidewalk. The measurement for the distance of this fence shall start at the side wall of the house. Fence setbacks on irregularly shaped corner lots will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
![4' x 8' Silverbell](
Conservation Lots (Waterfront, Dry/Wet Ponds, or Conservation Areas)
- Lots with view corridors such as ponds and conservation areas or other view enhanced areas must gradually reduce fence height to four feet (4’) for the last eight feet (8’) of fence that abuts the view corridor.
- The rear fence must be four foot (4’) open picket style in either tan PVC or black aluminum style.
Fire Pits/Chimineas
- Outdoor wood burning is prohibited except in a fire pit used on an uncovered patio or an open area of pavers or concrete within the rear yard. When not in use, a fire pit may be stored on a lanai or in a screened enclosure unless in a privacy fenced yard. The fire pit must have a wire screen mesh covering, be freestanding and kept in good working condition.
- Chimineas can only be used within a privacy fenced rear yard an be a maximum of 6 feet high.
- If permanent, an approved ARC application must be received before installation.
Flags (US, State of Florida, Military, POW)
- Flags shall be replaced if faded, tattered, or in poor condition.
- Flags should not exceed four foot by six-foot (4’ x 6’) size.
- Flag poles and flag attachments will be kept in a clean and maintained condition.
- One US flag, one State of Florida, one POW and one US Military flag are allowed.
- All other types of flags are considered lawn ornaments. Please see Lawn Ornaments section for further guidelines.
Front Entry of Home
- No front entry shall be used for storage of any kind (this includes shoes).
- Front entry into the home may not be screened but must be left open as constructed by the builder of the home.
- White aluminum or vinyl railings may be installed (up to 36″ high) with ARC approval, however no gates may be installed across the main entryway area in front of the door. It must be left open as constructed by the builder of the home.
- Patio furniture is allowed per the guidelines under “Lawn/Patio Furnishings.”
- No front entry or front porch may be expanded or altered in size or design.
- No garage shall be enclosed or converted into a living area and must at all times be used as a garage for car storage or storage of Owners personal property.
- No screening is allowed, temporarily or permanently, on garage door openings.
- Garage doors shall remain closed when the garage is not in use.
- Stand-alone garages and secondary garages accessible by side or rear yards are not permitted.
- Replacement of garage doors shall meet current County codes at the time of replacement. If there is more than one (1) garage door and the new door cannot be an exact match, then all doors must be replaced at the same time.
- Garage doors must be painted the same color as the body of the house.
- Design monograms and anything other than a solid door are not permitted, with the exception of window panes in the top most panel of the door or handles and other adornments originally installed by the builder.
Garbage/Trash Carts
- All garbage carts and other garbage containers shall be kept inside the garage or in the rear yard, screened to conceal them from view of neighboring Lots and streets, except on the day of collection. (TIP: If storing garbage carts inside the garage, placing one or two untreated charcoal briquettes inside the trash can after each trash pick-up day can eliminate odors.)
- If garbage carts are stored on side of yard, the must be screened from view of neighboring lots and street when stored. Acceptable screens shall be of material and color compatible with the design of the residence and may include landscaping or fencing.
- If enclosed with fencing, overall height of the enclosure, including posts shall not exceed four feet (4’). Overall length shall be kept to the minimum necessary to accomplish the screening. Overall width may not block side yard access to the rear yard.
- All screens, landscape structures or plant materials shall be located a minimum of two feet (2’) from HVAC equipment to allow for adequate air circulation around the equipment but may not encroach or trespass on a neighboring property or disturb yard drainage.
- If plantings are used for screening, “adequate screening’ shall be plantings which initially (i.e. when first planted or installed) screens a minimum of eighty percent (80%) and which completely screens the carts within one (1) year from the date of approval.
- Garbage carts shall not be placed at the street for pick up earlier than 5pm the night before pick up day and empty containers shall be removed from sight the same day as pick up. All food refuse shall be placed in a covered receptacle to avoid attack from animals. Plastic garbage bags are not adequate.
- Garbage and other refuse may not be accumulated or stored on any portion of the Lot.
- Open burning of garbage and other refuse is not permitted.
Garden Hoses / Hose Wraps
- All hoses and hose wrap or mobile stations must be stored completely out of sight of the street behind privacy fencing or landscaping.
- Garden hoses shall be on a hose wrap on the side or rear of the home, or on a mobile station within five (5’) of the hose bib. Hoses may be neatly coiled on the ground in a flower bed behind shrubbery out of sight from the street, common grounds or neighboring Lots. Circular (spiral coiled) hoses shall be secured.
Gas Tanks (Propane and/or Natural)
- Preferable installation is to have gas tanks buried. Gas tanks installed above ground shall meet applicable building code requirements.
- If Owner chooses not to bury the gas tank, the tank must be screened from view of the streets and neighboring property. Appropriate screening includes fencing and landscaping.
- If using landscape for screening the tank, Owner shall install no less than six (6) plants to screen tank from view of the street and other properties. Plants that are a minimum of three feet tall and that will reach a maximum 80% capacity within 12 months shall be installed and allowed to grow to the height of the gas tank. When the tank height is attained, the plants will then be properly trimmed and maintained at that height. Any dead plants shall be replaced immediately with the same type of plant of similar height.
- Separate and apart from the foregoing, pursuant to the Declaration, other than one (1) portable propane tank for use with an outdoor barbeque grill, no oil tanks or bottled gas tanks shall be allowed on any Lot without the express written consent of the ARC and such tanks shall be located so they cannot be seen from other Lots, Common Area or Streets.
- Permanent or hard-wired generators may be installed and mounted on a concrete pad at the rear of the house. These generators are normally hard wired to the house’s electrical system and run off of propane.
- The generator shall be installed in the back of the house or on the side with proper screening behind a privacy fence or landscaping under the same guidelines as those for screening swimming pool equipment or propane tanks.
- The generator enclosure box shall be painted to match the exterior body color of the house unless located within a fenced yard.
- The generator may only be operated when there is a power outage or for the briefest possible time to test it as required by the manufacturer.
- Portable generators shall be stored in the garage and only placed outside during periods of power outage. They shall be operated in accordance with manufacturer’s directions and located as far as possible from all adjacent houses.
- NEVER operate a generator inside the home or garage, even with doors open!
- All gutters must match the color of the fascia trim color or white. Downspout color shall match exterior house color or white.
- Gutter down spouts must not concentrate water flow onto neighboring properties.
Holiday Decorations
- Holiday displays in the front entryway and on the front door, along with traditional holiday lighting do not require approval from the ARC.
- Holiday lights and decorations shall not create a nuisance to the adjacent residents or the community.
- Holiday lights and decorations to celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or other holiday, may be installed commencing on Thanksgiving and shall be removed no later than January 10th of the following year. Brackets, clips and other holders for holiday lights that are installed on a house must be removed at the time that the lights are removed.
- No more than 3 individual inflatable display items are permitted for any holiday.
- Special decoration displays for Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Halloween, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving, or other religious holiday may be placed on the exterior of the lot fifteen (15) days prior to the special day and must be removed five (5) days after the special day.
- Any displays other than those defined above will require the approval of the ARC.
House Numbers
- To aid emergency personnel, delivery people and to conform to Orange County ordinances, each house shall have a readily visible number permanently attached to the front of the house.
- The numbers shall be located over the garage door or near the entrance to the front door, in a location clearly visible from the street.
- Periodically you may receive solicitations to paint your house numbers on the concrete curbing of the street. This literature is formatted in a manner to make it appear that the contractor has permission to do this work and is performing a valuable service. Please be advised that the Association did not and will not hire a contractor to perform these services.
Hurricane/Storm Shutters
- Permanently installed shutters may be accordion or roll-up style and must be approved by the ARC.
- Temporary shutters include Lexan panels or similar, aluminum panels and fabric panels. While not advised, if using plywood panels, they should be marine grade and at least 3/4″ thick.
- Shutters may be closed or installed 48 hours prior to the expected arrival of a tropical storm or hurricane in the area and must be removed no later than 72 hours after the warning is lifted. Should the panels not be removed, the Association is granted an easement to the property to remove the panels and the cost of labor shall be charged to the Owner. The Association is not responsible for any damages caused by the removal or for the costs of storage of the panels.
- In the event of an actual storm event causing substantial damage to the house, homeowner may request in writing, for an extension to this time period if the repairs and restoration of the house require that the panels remain attached for a longer period of time.
- Shutters may not be closed or installed at any time other than during a storm event.
- Under no circumstances may storm shutters or protective panels be used as a routine security measure.
- Irrigation should be installed in the front, side and rear yards of houses.
- For houses where this is not the case, the lack of an installed irrigation system does not relieve you of the responsibility of maintaining your lawn and landscaping to acceptable community standards.
- Irrigation systems should be tested and maintained periodically, no less than every 6 months to verify coverage and identify and repair any damaged parts. Watering times should be adjusted twice per year per the Orange County and SFWMD irrigation guidelines.
- Irrigation should not be performed between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
- In periods of extreme drought and tightened water restrictions, the Association will waive the portions of the community standards requiring the replacement of dead grass and landscaping until the restrictions are lifted. After the restrictions are lifted, all dead grass and landscaping shall be replaced within thirty (30) days.
- Irrigation systems including hand watering, rain barrel type systems, etc. must be controlled to ensure minimal runoff. Any damage due to a failure to repair or ensure proper watering will be the homeowners responsibility to repair such damage to neighboring lots and any common areas affected.
Landscaping – General Guidelines
- The addition, modification, or removal of any landscaping is a landscape change subject to the power of the ARC to promulgate guidelines.
- The following guidelines apply to landscape changes:
- Landscaping may be added to or removed from the yard of any Lot, but only with the approval of the ARC. Proposed changes must be consistent with the look of the community and removal of most or all of landscaping is not allowed.
- Maintenance of the lawn and landscaping shall mean at a minimum, upkeep, maintenance and preservation of that which was initially installed by the builder of the house on the Lot.
- Any Lot owner who wishes to modify and change the landscaping installed by the builder of the house on his Lot, to a Xeriscape or low water-usage design must first obtain approval from the ARC. The Alteration Application requesting this approval must be accompanied by a landscape design that is a certified Florida-friendly yard under the Florida Yards and Neighborhoods (FYN) program. Information about this program can be obtained through the Orange County website online.
- The ARC encourages all Owners to follow the Florida Friendly Landscaping Principles shown below when making changes to their landscape design.
- Right plant in the right place
- Water efficiently
- Fertilize appropriately
- Mulch
- Attract wildlife
- Manage yard pests responsibly
- Recycle yard waste
- Reduce storm water runoff
- Protect waterfront
Landscaping – Berms
- Except as installed by the developer or builder, earthen berms shall not be permitted.
Landscaping – Buffer Landscaping Between Lots
Buffer Landscaping Between Lots
- Buffer landscaping shall not be located any closer than five (5) feet to the property line as measured from the tree trunk or plant material’s main trunk. Buffer landscaping shall not extend into any front yard setbacks or obstruct the vision and safety of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
- Side yards between Lots may be landscaped with plant materials to provide visual screening. Continuous linear runs shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet in length and must be at least ten (10) feet back from the front corner of the house (same as Fence Guidelines), Normally, no more than one (1) landscape buffer will be permitted on each side of a Lot. Curvilinear shrub hedges augmented by ornamental, shade and/or palm trees are preferred.
- All buffer landscaping shrubs shall be planted and maintained so as to form a continuous, unbroken 80% visual screen within one year of installation. Shrubs shall consist of one predominant species, shall be planted thirty inches (30″) apart, on center, with each plant having a minimum size of three gallons, thirty-six inches (36″) tall and eighteen inches (18″) wide at the time of planting and maintained to achieve a minimum of forty-eight inches (48″) in height within one (1) year of planting.
- On view corridor Lots, shrub material from the rear building set back to the property line shall be maintained at a four (4) foot height to ensure visibility. The selection of buffer landscaping species shall be made from the approved Plant Materials List.
Landscaping – Edging or Landscape Borders
Edging or Landscape Borders
- Poured concrete curbing, concrete edging blocks, and steel low-profile panels are the only acceptable forms of edging. A sample or photo of the curbing/edging shall accompany the ARC request. Any edging types not listed above are not permitted.
- Colors may be muted tones of beige, tan, gray, terra cotta or natural concrete. A color chip or sample shall accompany the ARC request.
- Only one style of landscape curbing and/or edging may be used in areas of the lot which are not enclosed by a privacy fence.
- Edging will be allowed around mulched areas along the perimeter of the house and may be installed around an island which measures a minimum of 150 square feet.
- Edging will be allowed around individual trees (excluding street trees) if installed to a diameter of at least thirty-six (36) inches in order to contain mulch and prevent damage to trees from lawn equipment. A minimum distance of six (6) feet shall be maintained between any landscape borders.
- Edging shall not be installed around lampposts, along driveways, more than one individual tree, on side or rear property lines or within the grassy area between the street and sidewalk.
- NO borders may be installed around street trees.
Landscaping – Islands
- Landscaping may be grouped in an island to provide a focal point. Islands shall be a minimum of fifteen feet (15′) long, three feet (3′) wide and shaped in a curvilinear design.
- In no case shall islands take up more than 30% of the grassy area.
Landscaping – Landscape Lighting/Flood Lights
Landscape Lighting/Flood Lights
- Landscape lighting, solar or wired, may only be installed in landscaping beds and along the walk from the front door to the driveway. It may not be installed along the sides of the driveway, adjacent to the sidewalk, or between the sidewalk and the street. Individual lights shall be black, white, or natural metal in color (silver, gold, bronze or copper).
- Lights shall not be spaced closer than 30 inches on center.
- Post mounted lights shall not exceed 12 inches in height, hanger mounted lights shall not exceed 24 inches in height from the top of the light fixture to ground level.
- Lighting shall be low level and recessed to shield the source of the light. Low voltage fixtures shall be located and aimed carefully. Tree mounted lights are not allowed.
- Junction boxes and other lighting hardware shall be placed below grade or screened by landscape material to minimize daytime visibility.
- Lights may not shine onto other properties or onto the sidewalk or street.
- Lights must be maintained in a neat and orderly appearance. Crooked or leaning lights are not acceptable.
Landscaping – Mulch/Rock
- Landscaping beds and trees will be mulched with red, black, brown, or natural color mulch, pine bark, or cypress wood chips or river rocks.
- If using river rock, the size must be between 3/8” to 1” pebble pieces. All river rock must be earth tone colors (NO white rock), and no gravel.
- It is suggested that rigid landscape edging be used to keep materials in plant beds.
Landscaping – Ponds and Waterfalls
Ponds and Waterfalls
- A plot plan showing the location of the pond and/or waterfall must be submitted with the application. If the pond is being constructed from a kit, a picture would be helpful.
- Design of these features should discourage creation of stagnant pools of water.
- Ponds and waterfalls shall be located in landscaped area within a fenced back yard and situated in a manner that does not permit sounds from the pond, waterfall or its equipment to be a nuisance to neighboring properties.
Landscaping – Trees/Palms
General Guidelines
- The originally installed trees were part of a landscape plan approved by Orange County. Street trees and some Lot trees/palms were actually a development requirement. If relocated, all reasonable efforts must be exercised to keep them alive. If they die, they must be replaced with a tree from the approved species list from the Orange County Tree Protection and Removal Ordinance 2001-19. An approved ARC form is required prior to planting.
- No tree listed as a “Restricted Tree” in the Orange County Tree Ordinance is allowed.
- Tree staking materials shall be adjusted on a regular basis to maintain a neat appearance and permit plant growth to occur. All staking materials shall be removed no later than one (1) year after initial installation.
- Fruit and citrus trees will be considered by the ARC; however, they will be required to be planted in the rear of a privacy fenced yard and must be located at a distance from the property line that will not allow encroachment of the mature tree onto a neighboring property.
- Palms installed in the front of the home cannot be removed. These are required to maintain a consistent and harmonious look to the community. Dead or diseased palms must be replaced with a palm of similar size and same type as any remaining palm, or an ARC Request must be submitted for approval to replace both palms with a different type. Palms must be a minimum of 8 ft tall at time of planting.
Relocation of existing trees
- Existing trees to be relocated shall be pruned then immediately replanted, firmly secured in the ground by staking and adequately watered and fertilized until well established and rooted. Any relocating of existing trees should be done by a licensed professional who will adhere to nursery standards for relocating.
- Any tree relocated due to construction, such as the installation of a swimming pool, shall in addition to the above, be barricaded against the construction activity with silt fencing or other acceptable barrier. Any relocated trees which die within one year of completion of construction shall be removed and replaced with nursery stock approved by the ARC.
Removal or destruction
- The removal or destruction of any tree, palm and distinctive flora is a landscape change, and therefore is subject to the authority of the ARC to approve or disapprove the removal or destruction of trees.
- The following guidelines shall apply to the removal or destruction of trees and distinctive flora:
- Trees that have been planted at the direction of the builder/developer to meet County development requirements shall not be intentionally destroyed or removed.
- Trees and palms which have a diameter in excess of six inches (6”) measured two feet (2′) above ground level, and distinctive flora shall not be intentionally destroyed or removed except with the prior approval, in writing of the ARC.
- Prior to the written approval of the ARC to remove any tree described above or distinctive flora, the homeowner shall first obtain written approval (in the form of a removal permit along with any conditions for replacing the removed tree or distinctive flora) from Orange County.
- The above requirements pertain to trees and distinctive flora which die, for whatever reason, and unless otherwise approved by the ARC, shall be replaced with the same species and size tree or distinctive flora as the original tree or distinctive tree flora.
Landscaping – Street Trees
General Guidelines
- The originally installed trees were part of a landscape plan approved by Orange County. Street trees and some Lot trees/palms were actually a development requirement. If relocated, all reasonable efforts must be exercised to keep them alive. If they die, they must be replaced with a tree from the approved species list from the Orange County Tree Ordinance. An approved ARC form is required prior to planting.
- No tree listed as a “Restricted Tree” in the Orange County Tree Ordinance is permitted.
- Tree staking materials shall be adjusted on a regular basis to maintain a neat appearance and permit plant growth to occur. All staking materials shall be removed no later than one (1) year after initial installation.
Street trees
- Orange County approved a landscape plan for The Reserve at Sawgrass that requires the planting of one or more street trees in the grassy right-of-way easement located directly adjacent and parallel to the sidewalk.
- Other than street trees, there shall not be any plantings other than sod between the street curb and sidewalk nor shall landscape borders, decorative curbing or landscape lighting be installed around the tree.
- Removal of the street tree is not allowed. Any street tree that dies, is damaged, or is badly diseased shall be replaced at the Lot Owner’s expense. Approval to remove a street tree and to replace that tree does require ARC approval. NOTE: Orange County no longer requires you to obtain a Tree Removal permit for replacement of any street trees, HOWEVER, you will need to submit an ARC for approval BEFORE removing or replacing the trees. Please reference the Orange County approved tree list, and street trees must be a Canopy type tree. Also, please remember that replacement trees must be at least 8 feet tall and minimum caliper of 2 inches.These rules apply even to damaged or diseased trees if you are changing to a different type of tree.
- All street trees must be listed as a “Canopy” type tree in the Orange County Approved Tree list.
Click to view the Orange County Approved Tree List
- Do not prune or trim trees into unnatural shapes or “topping/rounding over” them. Pruning to maintain a canopy no less than 8′ from the ground and for the health of the tree is allowed. Trees that have been pruned or topped shall be replaced within 30 days after notice from Association.
Landscaping – Trellises, Lattice, Arbors, Arches and Pergolas
Trellises, Lattice, Arbors, Arches and Pergolas
- Arches, arbors, pergolas, trellis and similar structures are permitted in the rear yards only if the yard has an installed privacy fence. Any roof or sides must be neutral colors to complement the color of the home. ARC approval is required before installation of any structure.
Landscaping – Vegetable, Herb and Cutting Gardens, Compost bins
Vegetable, Herb and Cutting Gardens, Compost bins
- Vegetable, herb and cutting gardens shall be confined in privacy fenced rear yard and plants shall not exceed fence.
- Gardens shall be properly maintained during the growing season and thereafter, all dead plants, stakes or other materials shall be removed.
- Composting is only permitted in commercially manufactured bins designed specifically for suburban composting and must have ARC approval prior to placement of the bin on the Lot. Any such bin shall be covered at all times and located in rear yard and not visible from street.
- Compost bins shall be located a minimum of fifteen feet (15′) from neighboring property lines.
- Should an adjacent property owner complain regarding odors, rodents or other animals that are attracted to the bin, the Association will notify the Owner in writing and they must immediately remedy the situation. In the event that the Owner does not abate the problem within ten (10) days from receipt of notice, the Association shall have the right, without further notice to enter the property and remedy the problem. All expenses incurred shall be assessed to the homeowner.
Lawn/Patio Furnishings
- All other types of lawn furniture will be located in the rear of the home and not be visible from the street in front of the home.
- Porch Swings and patio style furniture will be the only acceptable furniture on the front porch of the home. Maximum 3 pieces, example two chairs one table or a double swing,
- For safety reasons all lawn furniture shall be removed when residence is unoccupied for a period of seven (7) days or more unless prior arrangements have been made with a neighbor.
- All lawn furniture shall be removed upon issuance of any storm warnings of a Tropical Storm Warning or higher.
Lawn & Landscaping Ornaments/Decor (birdbaths, potted plants, fountains, stones, etc.)
- Ornaments or decorative embellishments include those on lawns, landscape beds, entryways and those mounted on the house that are visible from the street or common area.
- Ornaments shall not exceed thirty (36) inches in any dimension; however, based upon the dynamics of the Lot and home, a variance may be considered (i.e. two-story home on large Lot with tall landscape plants that will be planted adjacent to the ornament).
- Ornaments of a solid color shall be white, dark green, brown, natural concrete or stone color. If made of metal, they may be the natural color of that metal.
- Painted or glazed ornaments shall be as close as possible to the natural color(s) of the subject that they are depicting.
- A maximum of three (3) ornaments and/or potted plants are permitted in front of the house or in the rear of a home that is not screened with a fence or other approved screening such as landscaping.
- Lawn ornaments include, but are not limited to:
- bird baths
- bird feeders
- bird or squirrel houses
- decorative flags (including holiday, sports, etc.)
- fountains
- patriotic non-flag display items (yellow ribbons, buntings, decals, etc.)
- personal items other than furniture are considered lawn ornaments
- hanging baskets or other plants on hooks
- plaques
- potted plants
- statues
- stepping stones within a landscape bed
- large stones or boulders
- sun dials
- tiki torches (may only be located in the rear yard of a home)
- One (1) large stone/boulder may be used as a lawn ornament in a landscape bed if its length less than 25% of the length of the bed, with a maximum length of 36”, and height of 24” visible above ground.
- For safety reasons all lawn ornaments shall be removed when residence is unoccupied for a period of seven (7) days or more, unless prior arrangements have been made with a neighbor.
- All lawn ornaments shall be removed upon issuance of any storm warnings of Tropical Storm Warning or higher.
- No ornaments shall be hung from trees.
- Bird feeders shall be mounted five (5) feet above ground level, not visible from the street.
- Multiple bird dwellings, i.e. bird coops are not allowed.
- Ornaments shall not be placed down driveway perimeters, on street catch basins or on utility boxes.
- Decorative buckets, plastic paint buckets and the like shall not be used.
- Door wreaths (one per door) are not counted as ornaments.
- Decorative flags (sports, holiday, etc.) larger than eighteen inches (18”) long or wide that are mounted to a pole or staff from the side or front of the house are limited to one flag for a period of up to seven (7) days.
- Flower pots containing dead plants and empty flower pots shall be removed from public view immediately.
- Artificial plants/trees or flower arrangements are not allowed on front entryways or lanais or in landscape beds or in tree rings.
- Ornaments and flower pots displayed in sets of two or more will be counted individually. For example, a ceramic duck with two (2) ducklings is three (3) ornaments.
- Lawns shall be maintained in accordance with adopted policies that define the minimum community standards.
- All Lots shall have grassed front, side and rear lawns.
- No gravel or similar type lawns will be permitted,
- All lawns shall be sodded with St. Augustine or other approved Florida Friendly grass and irrigated unless dictated otherwise by local municipality. When replacing the builder installed St. Augustine sod with another type of grass, ARC approval is required.
- Dead/diseased sod shall be treated and/or replaced.
- Ensure proper watering and irrigation system coverage and use to prevent sod issues.
Lighting (Carriage/Coach Exterior)
- Carriage light sizes and locations must harmonize with the front elevation of the house.
- Light fixture shall be black, brown, white or natural metal in color.
- A picture of fixture with color description and dimensions shall be attached to the ARC request.
Lighting (Exterior)
- All exterior lighting shall be consistent with the character established in The Reserve at Sawgrass and be limited to the minimum necessary for safety, identification, and decoration.
- Owners may not install security spotlights or flood lights unless lights are activated by a motion sensor.
- Fixture design and location shall be compatible with the design of the Home.
- No spot lights, flood lights, or other high intensity lighting will be placed or utilized upon any house so that the light is directed or reflected on neighboring property.
- Bollard light fixtures are not permitted.
- Enclosures of light fixtures shall be designed to conceal the lamp bulb. Light bulbs may not exceed the manufacturer’s recommendation for bulb wattage.
- Fixtures may be LED, incandescent, metal halide, mercury vapor, or high-pressure sodium lamps. Bug lights and colored light bulbs are not allowed.
- No lighting shall be permitted that constitutes a nuisance or hazard to any owner or neighboring resident.
- Post mount light fixtures shall be permitted in the rear of the house and not visible from the street in front of the house.
*For landscape lighting, please see “Landscaping” section.
Lightning Rods and Brushes
- Lightning rods and brushes may be installed and shall be done in a manner that is least obtrusive and uses the minimum number to accomplish the desired purpose. ARC approval is required.
- Lightning rods shall not be allowed to fall into disrepair. Any lighting rods needing repair or replacement shall be repaired or replaced immediately or completely removed.
Painting (Exterior) and Approved Color Schemes
- Only those colors and combinations noted in the Approved Exterior Paint Color Combinations guide are permitted. Click here for the approved paint color page.
- Prior to painting, Owner must submit to and receive approval from the ARC a color plan showing the color of all exterior surfaces that shall include samples of the actual colors to be utilized if not using Sherwin-Williams brand paint. ARC Review Request Forms submitted without color samples will be returned.
- No house may have more than four colors (base, trim, shake (if applicable), and front door/shutter colors). The body of the house (base color) must have a flat or eggshell finish, no gloss or high gloss finishes are permissible. If an Owner is proposing to paint doors and trims with gloss or high gloss, this needs to be noted on the ARC Review Request.
- All colors must be used as intended (trim color only for trim areas, etc.), and no mix-and-match between different Color Combinations.
- There must be a minimum distance of one home to either side and in front of the applicant’s home before a color combination can be repeated.
- Garage doors must be painted the same color as the body of the home.
Patios, Pavers & Decks
- All decks and patios shall be in the rear yard of the lot and not visible from the street in front of the house.
- All decks and patios shall be solid poured concrete or concrete pavers in an earth tone color to complement the color palette of the house. Wooden or composite material decks may be considered based on the grade and terrain of the lot and will be reviewed by the ARC on a case by case basis.
- Concrete pavers shall be installed according to manufacturer’s recommended specifications and at a minimum over weed block fabric and level tamped sand or similar material.
- Spaces between concrete pavers shall be sanded or grouted. Grass and weeds shall not be permitted to grow between pavers.
- The size of decks and patios shall be determined by the available space per lot and may not cover more than twenty five percent (25%) of the total “grassy” lot area excluding any building, structures and driveway areas.
- Rear patios must be within the rear setbacks of the home, not to extend past the sides of the home.
- Construction of decks and patios shall not adversely affect any designed and approved drainage pattern for this or any other Lot. Patios must be at least five (5) feet from all rear and side property lines to allow proper drainage between lots.
- Deck rails cannot exceed forty-eight inches (48″) in height from decking and shall match the material and color of the decking or trim of the home or be ornamental aluminum to match the color of the house window frames. Deck rails may not extend past the deck or patio and must have a continuous top rail that is free of decorative finials to serve as a handrail.
Play Structures, Recreational Equipment and Toys
General Guidelines
- All exterior play and recreational equipment, including swing sets, jungle gyms, soccer goals, trampolines, or the like must be located within the rear yard of the property and must be screened from public view with a privacy fence only.
- No permanent basketball goals are permitted. Portable goals must be stored after each use and not left out overnight.
- All play and recreational equipment must be maintained on a regular basis by the Owner.
- Tree houses and skateboard ramps are not permitted on any portion of the Lot or common properties.
- All play and recreational equipment are to be placed at least seven- and one-half feet (7.5′) in from the rear property line and must be located within the side setbacks of the house.
- All portable play and recreational equipment, including toys, must be removed from public view when not in use, unless within a privacy fenced rear yard. Portable play and recreational equipment include items such as toddler’s playhouses, slides, climbers and other large outdoor toys which are normally made of plastics and vinyl and that are not anchored in concrete.
- All portable play and recreational equipment shall be removed when residence is unoccupied for a period of seven (7) days or more unless prior arrangements have been made with a neighbor.
- All portable play and recreational equipment shall be removed upon issuance of any storm warnings of Tropical Storm Warning or higher. Owners shall take all recommended actions to secure non-portable equipment in storm events to ensure that said equipment does not cause bodily injury or damage to ether’s property.
- Basketball equipment and trampolines may not be used from dusk to dawn.
Play Structures
- Play structures include but are not limited to, gym and/or swing sets, slides, playsets, playhouses, tetherball poles, etc.
- A picture and the dimensions of the play structure must be submitted with the ARC Form.
- The overall height of play structures may not exceed eight (8) feet in height. However, the height may be reduced by the ARC based on the lot size and impact on neighboring lots. This will be determined by a site visit if deemed necessary by the ARC.
- Applications for play structures must include the plat survey showing its intended placement. The structure’s visual impact to neighboring lots and/or the street must be buffered as much as possible with approved privacy fencing.
- It is preferred that canopies and “roofs” of play structures be of earth toned colors—tan, brown, olive or forest green.
- Play structures must be securely anchored and installed in a manner so that strong or tropical force winds or higher will not carry it to other properties causing damage or bodily injury.
- Any detachable parts on play structures must be removed and stored in a safe location when a tropical storm or hurricane warning is in effect.
- Play structures must be kept in good condition at all times including repair, painting or staining and the replacement of any canvas.
- Play structures on a corner Lot should be located to the center of the Lot or on the interior side of the Lot; not on the street side.
Portable Storage/ Moving Containers
- Portable storage/ moving containers (commonly known as PODS) or any similar units designed for the temporary storage or transportation of a resident’s personal household goods are permitted in the community for a maximum of seven (7) days.
- After proper notification is given to the Owner, the Association has the right to enter a property and have the container removed if the Owner has failed to comply with this standard. All related costs including administrative charges and out-of-pocket expenses for the Association plus any attorney fees will be charged against the homeowner account and a lien immediately placed against the property until all costs are paid.
Rain Barrels & Rain Chains
- Rain barrels designed for the purpose of capturing rain from the gutter systems may be used on the side or rear of the house.
- Barrels shall be placed within an existing landscape bed and screened with plants.
- Barrels may not exceed three (3) feet in height and shall be earth tones in color.
- Rain chains may only be used in the rear of the home.
- Reflectors are not allowed.
Residential Construction
- Minimum square footage of residences shall be 1,600 square feet living space (air conditioned).
- Minimum two car garage.
- No home with the exact same elevation may be built side by side on neighboring lots.
- Roofs shall be cleaned within thirty (30) days of notice by management.
- Roofs shall be high-grade architectural (dimensional) shingles with a thirty (30) year life or similar solar panel shingles in a similar design. Solar shingles will be approved on a case-by-case basis.
- Shingle color shall match the original shingle color (commonly called Driftwood, which is shades and blends of gray or brown) to coordinate with other homes in the community.
Roof Extensions/Covering
- No roof extensions (carport or overhang) for a car, boat, equipment or any other purpose will be permitted.
Screen Enclosures, Patios, and Sunrooms
- Screen enclosures may have shingled roofs, Elite-style insulated aluminum roofs, or a screened roof structure. If shingled, they shall match the existing shingles on the house and shall maintain the rear setback as required by local municipality code. If insulated aluminum panels, frame and roof color must be the same if top of roof will be visible to the street. The pitch of the roof shall meet current code requirements.
- Framing must be anodized or electrostatically painted aluminum bronze (preferred) or white color.
- Screening shall be charcoal and of standard mesh size, including screened roofs. No opaque or decorative screening is permitted.
- Installation will meet all county and state building codes for homes within “C” Wind Exposure Zones and be designed and built to withstand 130 mile per hour winds minimum.
- All support cables, screws and fasteners shall be of a non-corrosive material such as stainless steel.
- Structural gutters may be installed but where necessary, must be adjusted to tie into existing home gutters—runoff must be directed in a manner that will not negatively affect neighboring property or common property.
- Aluminum kick plates, not to exceed sixteen (16”) inches are allowed on screen enclosures including screen doors. Decorative grills are not permitted.
- Sunroom walls shall have a stucco finish on the exterior to match the existing house and will be constructed at a height not to exceed thirty-six inches (36″). All construction must be in conformance with the applicable building codes.
- Vinyl windows (clear or light grey) will be allowed with frames that match the color of the existing window frames. Sample of light grey tint shall be included with application.
- Roof line may not exceed the height of the house.
- Exterior of the enclosure must be landscaped if not located within a fenced area.
- Irrigation systems may require modification to ensure 100% coverage of the property. This should be a part of the ARC Request Form.
- Front entry into the home may not be screened but must be left open as constructed by the builder of the home.
Screen and Storm Doors
- Screen and storm doors will not be allowed on the front of a home.
- Security doors (metal grilles or bars) are prohibited.
Security/Video Cameras
- Cameras may be installed only after written approval is obtained from the Association’s ARC. As a condition of installing cameras, the Homeowner, including his or her successors and assigns, shall defend and hold harmless the Association from any and all claims for damages that relate to or concern the installation, operation, maintenance and use of cameras. This obligation by the Homeowner shall include the obligation to maintain, repair and replace any and all portions of the Home or Lot that are damaged, either directly or indirectly, by the installation, operation, maintenance, use and removal of any camera or cameras
- Cameras shall be installed on the exterior of a Home in accordance with these rules as amended from time to time and shall be limited in number and size. Specifically, one Home may have up to eight (8) cameras on the exterior of the Home, provided that no more than four (4) of those cameras shall be visible when viewing the front elevation of the Home from the street. No camera installed on the exterior of a Home shall exceed seven (7) inches in length, four (4) inches in height and four (4) inches in width. All cable and conduit connected to or supporting a camera shall be concealed from view behind a wall, fascia board or soffit board.
- Cameras on the exterior of a Home shall be fixed to the exterior walls, soffit boards or fascia boards. Cameras are not permitted in any other location on the Lot, including but not limited to on roof tops.
- Cameras shall be of the same color as any wall, soffit board or fascia board to which they are affixed.
- No camera shall be installed in any manner or location that will violate the privacy of another person or their peaceful enjoyment of the Properties. Cameras that rotate, pivot or move by remote control shall not be moved or positioned in a manner that may violate the privacy of another resident or that may impair a person’s quiet enjoyment of their Home or Lot. For example, and without limitation, no camera on the exterior of a Home shall be pointed directly at the front door, garage door, windows or patio of another Home. Rather, cameras on the exterior of a Home shall be positioned to capture the areas immediately around the Home and the Lot upon which they are installed. In the event that a camera on a Home or Lot is positioned improperly, at the request of the Board of Directors or ARC, the Owner shall reposition the camera or remove it to comply with these rules and regulations. Cameras shall also not be operated remotely or otherwise controlled by their owner in any manner that may violate this rule.
- The installation of cameras in no way implies any responsibility whatsoever on the part of the Association, including but not limited to its Board of Directors, ARC, staff, volunteers, officers, directors, employees, managers, managing agents, access control personnel, agents or legal representatives. The Association, as defined above, shall not be held liable, or otherwise responsible, for damaged property, illegal activity, personal injury or death.
- The Association’s approval of a Homeowner’s request to install cameras is not a guarantee of safety or protection of any person or property of any kind. All people on the Properties, including but not limited to, owners, tenants, guests, invitees, employees, management personnel, access control personnel, vendors and contractors, are strongly encouraged to provide for their own security measures and take proper safety precautions, as they each deem appropriate and necessary in their own discretion and judgment. Each person shall be responsible for providing his or her own insurance coverage for their health, safety and property.
Sheds, Outbuildings, and Storage Containers
- Only one (1) shed per Lot shall be permitted.
- A shed on a Lot shall not be used as living space at any time. Rather, a shed on a Lot shall only be used for the storage of equipment and supplies that are common in any household. The storage of hazardous materials in a shed on a Lot is strictly prohibited.
- A shed on a Lot shall conform to the following size limitations at all times. A prefabricated or onsite constructed enclosure that is less than eight (8) feet in height and less than 100 square feet in total surface area. A shed on a Lot shall not be placed within any easement area or set-back lines established by the HOA’s governing documents or other restriction or regulation applicable to the Lot.
- The roof line of a shed on a Lot shall be consistent with the roof line of the home on the Lot. Specifically, the angle of the shed roof line must be the same as or similar in pitch to the home on the Lot. Notwithstanding, flat roof sheds are prohibited.
- The exterior of a shed on a Lot should match the colors of the home on the Lot. Specifically, the base color should match the color of the home, and the trim colors should match the trim colors on the home, if applicable.
- A shed or any type of storage container on a Lot shall be placed in a manner to avoid it being seen from a neighboring Lot, Street or Common Area whenever possible. Appropriate landscaping or fencing or both may be required by the Association to shield a Shed on a Lot from view from another Lot, Street or Common Area. The structure must be located a minimum of seven and a half feet (7.5′) from the property line and/o rany easement on the lot and should not be visible from the street in front of the Home or if a corner lot, from the street side of the Home.
- All shed doors and windows shall have latches to ensure that they can be closed and secured.
- Due to the limited purpose and scope of use of sheds in the development, no Lot Owner shall connect utility lines to any shed in the development.
Sidewalks, Paths and Stepping Stones
- All sidewalks must be kept clean, edged, and periodically pressure-washed.
- Sidewalks may be installed from the driveway to a side garage door or fence gate leading to the back yard.
- Sidewalks and pathways installed on side of home shall be poured concrete slab or pavers to match the driveway exactly (Old Castle/Coastal Holland Brick in Chestnut Brown), be 30″ to 36″ in width, located a minimum of five feet (5′) in from the property line and shall not interfere with approved drainage of the current or adjacent lots. Portions may be elevated due to slope near side of home but not to exceed 12″ in height.
- Stepping stones are not permitted.
Signs (Sale, rent, political, alarm, permit)
- “For Sale” or “For Lease”: – One (1) professionally made, non-digital, non-electric (or otherwise illuminated) sign constructed of metal or wood, installed on one wooden 4” by 4” post, and of not more than eight (8) square feet of surface area per side (2 sides maximum), containing no handwriting whatsoever, and used solely in connection the marketing of the affected Lot for sale or lease. See Figure 1 for example.
- “Open house” signs are allowed during the event only. No “open house” signs in yard, driveway, sidewalk or any common areas are allowed to be displayed for more than 24 hours.
- “Protected by alarm” signs are authorized in landscaping near the front and rear door. Signs shall not exceed six inches (6″) by eight inches (8″).
- A “permit board” displaying a building permit from the applicable governmental agency is allowed if required to be posted conspicuously.
- Political signs are limited to two signs no larger than twenty-four inches (24″) by thirty-six inches (36″). Political signs may be displayed for two weeks prior to an election and must be removed on the day following the election.
- No other signs are allowed, including vendor signs.
Figure 1.
- Skylights must be integrated as part of the roof design and require prior written approval from the ARC before installation.
Solar Panels
- Any solar panels and related appurtenances and equipment shall be designed and constructed to appear as an integrated part of the building’s architecture. This shall generally mean that the panels shall be roof mounted so that the top surface is flush with the roof surface with all appurtenances recessed into the building’s attic.
- All conduit on the roof or exterior walls must be of a color to blend with the roof shingles and color of house, respectively. Conduit should not be run around eaves or gutters, but instead down through the roof to maintain a neater appearance.
Solar Collector/Water Heating Panels
- Any solar collectors and related appurtenances and equipment shall be designed and constructed to appear as an integrated part of the building’s architecture. All appurtenances should be recessed into the building’s attic.
- Solar collectors must be flush mounted on the roof and whenever possible be located on the rear and side roofs of the house and should not be installed so as to be visible from the street. Roof-mounted solar collectors must match the roof color. (Note: Roof-mounted solar collectors and equipment may void builder warranties and/or the roof warranty.)
- Yard mounted solar collectors are allowed within a privacy fenced area of the yard and shall not exceed the height of the fence.
Swimming Pools and Spas
- Any swimming pool to be constructed on any home site is subject to review by the ARC.
- Pool filter equipment must be placed out of view of neighboring properties and the noise level to neighboring properties must be considered in locating equipment. The need to screen equipment may be necessary. All screening must have the prior written approval of the ARC.
- Pool heating equipment must comply with all applicable building, zoning and fire codes.
- Pools shall be of the in-ground type. Above-ground pools are prohibited. The elevation at the top of the pool shall not be over two feet (2′) above the natural grade of the lot.
- Swimming pools shall not be permitted on the street side of the residence and if on a corner Lot must be screened from the street.
- Spas or Jacuzzis shall be of the in-ground type with the exception of above ground types not exceeding three feet (3′) in height above the existing grade level. They shall be located in the rear yard and screened from street view and the view of any neighboring property.
- Screening of the pool is required either by privacy fence or by a screen enclosure that totally encloses the pool. Landscaping may be installed to provide privacy for screened enclosures. Landscaping for this purpose must receive ARC approval prior to installation.
- Pool heaters and pool filters shall be screened from view from the street by either a fence or landscaping. If using landscaping, Plants shall be the same height as those planted by the builder at the A/C unit. Plants shall be properly trimmed and maintained at the height of the pool equipment. Dead plants shall be replaced immediately.
- Pool overflow and drainage are required to have a small gravel drain bed (French drain) for chlorinated water to flow into.
- Under no circumstances may chlorinated water be discharged onto other homeowners’ lawns, community streets, or into retention ponds.
- The size of decks and patios (including the pool) shall be determined by the available space per lot and may not cover more than twenty five percent (25%) of the total lot area excluding any building, structures and paved areas.
Water Softeners
- Installation usually requires a permit. Please check with the Orange County Building Department.
- Discharge from water softeners shall be routed to an open-air sanitary waste line or it may dump into a laundry tub or sewer line with an ‘IP” trap. It shall not drain to the outside open areas.
- Water softeners shall be screened from view from the street with shrubs or other landscaping under the same guidelines as those for screening HVAC and swimming pool equipment.
Windows (Replacement, Tinting and Treatments)
- Originally installed windows may be replaced with windows of similar style. Replacement window frames shall match existing window frames unless all windows in the home are being replaced at the same time in which instance a request to change style or color may be considered by the ARC.
- Owners may request to install energy conservation films on windows. Window tinting film applied to the interior of the windows shall be gray in color with no more than 21% solar reflectance’s and no less than 30% light transmittance.
- The degree of darkness allowed for non-reflective tinting shall remain with the ARC on a case by case basis. All tinting requests must be accompanied by a brochure or manufacturer’s description. All requests must include a sample of the material to be used. This sample will remain with the application and will not be returned.
- No silver, gold or bronze reflective colors are allowed. No reflective tinting or mirror finishes (to include aluminum foil) will be permitted.
- Window treatments shall consist of drapery, blinds, decorative panels or another tasteful window covering. Any window treatments facing the front street of the house shall be white, off-white or other neutral color (i.e. interior shutters in a wood tone).
- Sheets or other temporary window covering may be used for periods not exceeding one (1) week after an Owner or tenant first moves into a House or when permanent window treatments are being cleaned or repaired, but in no case may they be in place for longer than one (1) week.